Understanding Garmin GPS Data in Labfront

Garmin GPS data can be used to track and analyze participant activities. This article details how the Garmin GPS data is presented in Labfront, and how to interpret it.

- 👨‍🔬 For Researchers - 

Garmin GPS data can be found in the garmin-connect-activity-details-sample, garmin-connect-activity-summary, and garmin-connect-activity-details-summary files in Labfront. 

Key Metrics Explained

Garmin GPS data includes multiple duration metrics, geolocation coordinates, and movement statistics. Here’s what each key variable means:

⏰ Duration Metrics

  • clockDurationInMs: Total time from the start to the end of the activity, including all pauses and stops.
  • timerDurationInMs: Active time recorded by the timer, excluding paused intervals.  
  • movingDurationInMs: Time spent actively moving, excluding periods of inactivity even if the timer is running.  

Sample DataHC__Data__File__Garmin-Activity__Duration

Example Scenario

Imagine a participant goes for a run:

  • Starts Timer: 12:00 PM.  
  • Pauses Timer: 12:30 PM for 5 minutes (chatting with a friend).  
  • Stops Moving: 12:40 PM for 2 minutes (traffic signal).  
  • Ends Timer: 1:00 PM. 

Then, clockDurationInMS = 3600000 , timerDurationInMS = 3300000, and movingDurationInMS = 3180000 



In all cases, movingDurationInMs <= timerDurationInMs <= clockDurationInMs.


📍Geolocation Variables

Garmin GPS data tracks the exact location and movement path during an activity.

  • startingLatitudeInDegree & startingLongitudeInDegree: Coordinates marking the starting point of the activity.
  • distanceInMeters: Total distance traveled.  
  • totalElevationGainInMeters & totalElevationLossInMeters: Changes in elevation throughout the activity.  



👣 Movement and Speed Variables

Garmin provides detailed insights into participant movement.

  • steps: Number of steps taken during the activity.  
  • averageSpeedInMetersPerSecond: Average speed over the activity duration.  
  • maxSpeedInMetersPerSecond: Highest recorded speed during the activity. 



How to Activate and Record GPS Data

For accurate data collection, participants must manually start and stop the activity on their Garmin device:



GPS data collection is active only during logged activities. If participants forget to start the activity, no GPS data will be recorded. To activate GPS tracking, participants must manually select "start activity" and "end activity" on the watch.

How Researchers Can Use Garmin GPS Data

  1. Monitor Adherence: Use geolocation and movement metrics to ensure participants follow activity protocols.  
  2. Analyze Trends: Combine distance, speed, and elevation metrics to evaluate performance or fitness improvements.  
  3. Visualize Data: Map GPS coordinates to visualize activity paths or calculate additional metrics like elevation profiles.

Need Help?

If you have questions or need assistance with Garmin GPS data in Labfront, please reach out to our support team.