Download Your Data

This article will cover how to download your data from the Labfront platform.

-👨‍🔬 For Researchers -

This article covers:

How to Download Participant Data

To download data, you'll first need to sign in to Labfront. Then from your Workspace, choose a Live project. Click downloadicon Download Data on the top right of the dashboard.  
This will take you to the Download Settings page where you will prepare your data download. 

Data Download Options

When you download your data, you have the freedom to select the participants and timeframe that you want to include. This provides you with easier access and allows for more efficient analysis of your data.

  1. Participants: By default, all participants are included in the download. However, you have the option to choose specific participants to include or exclude from the download.

  2. Timeframe: You have the option to download data from the last 7 or 30 days if you only need the most recent data. Alternatively, you can choose to download all of your data or select a specific time period to download.


Labfront users on the Testing Plan are limited to a 30-day timeframe for data downloads. You can upgrade to a paid plan to download data without restrictions. 

View our plans


When you have selected the participants and timeframe you wish to include, click downloadicon Download Data to begin downloading your data file. Please stay on the Labfront website until your file download has been completed.


Understanding Your Data

After you've downloaded your data, you might need some help understanding how it's organized and what the various data types and variables mean. We recommend taking a look at the following articles:


Need more help with your data?

Our analytics team, led by Dr. Andrew Ahn, former Co-Director of Harvard's Center for Dynamical Biomarkers, comprises experts from this world-renowned lab. They bring decades of experience in analyzing and processing physiological data.

Check out our analytics services


Data Download FAQs

Do you offer any services to help analyze the data? 

We do! Our team of experts has over 20+ years of experience in digital biomarkers and research analytics. You can outsource your analytics to us and save up to several months of work. Learn more about Labfront Analytics here

Why can't I see my participant's data?

One of the most common reasons for this issue is that your participants are not yet connected to your project. Data is only available for Live projects and with invited participants who have signed in through the Labfront Companion app and are contributing data by completing tasks, questionnaires, or providing physiological data from their wearable. 

To ensure that participants have successfully signed in to your project, please check the Participants section on the Dashboard and make sure that you have at least 1 participant signed in.  For each participant, you can also check that the Invite Code is Used and the Status is Joined.  For more information, we recommend reading our article on adding participants
Another possibility is that the data may not be immediately accessible. There can be a delay in the availability of certain data, so we suggest waiting a few hours after collection before checking again. 
 Invite Status

Do I need to keep the Labfront web app open while my zip is being prepared?

Yes, once the process has begun, you should remain on the site until the download is complete. 

I can't download a ZIP file from my work computer. What should I do?

In this case, we recommend you ask your IT department how to allow ZIP file extraction on your work computer. Alternatively, you can also download on another computer or device that allows for ZIP downloads as we can only provide ZIP files for data downloads. 

Can I see a sample of the downloadable data format? 

You sure can! Take a look at a sample of our data here

Can I download the data from any browser?

For optimal performance when downloading data, we recommend using Google Chrome. Although our platform is compatible with all major browsers, Chrome has been tested and shown to provide the best experience. 
Why is my data download taking a long time?

If there is a large amount of data, your ZIP file may take a while to download. If it is taking a longer time than usual, please contact There could be an issue. 

Can I download raw Garmin data or just aggregated data?

Yes, the device-direct raw data can be downloaded. Here are example files of raw ACCenhanced BBI and actigraphy.