Manage Collaborators

Learn how to add collaborators to your Labfront workspace or projects as admins, editors, or viewers.

We'll cover:

Add Collaborator to Workspace

Before a collaborator can join your workspace or project, they must create a Labfront account. Only people with Owner and Admin workspace permissions can add collaborators.

  1. To add a collaborator to your workspace, select Add Collaborator.
    Alternatively, you can go to the Project Settings page and select Manage Collaborators.

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  2. This will take you to Collaborators page in which you can invite collaborators and manage their permissions.

  3. Select Invite Collaborator(s)

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    1. Enter the email address of the collaborator and choose if you'd like to assign them as a workspace member or project contributor. 

      Workspace Members
      Workspace members can access all projects in the workspace. This is typically used for lab members.

      Project Contributors
      Project contributors can only access the projects that you specifically chose. This is typically used for external collaborators such as sponsors or project-specific research assistants.

    2. Choose the collaborator permissions.

      For Workspace Members, choose the permission level for the entire workspace (Admin, Editor or Viewer):

    web-app__Invite collaborator__workspace-member

    For Project Contributors, choose at least one project for this contributor to collaborate on and select their permission level for each project  (Admin, Editor or Viewer).


  4. Click Send Invitation. You should now see the status Invite Pending until they accept. 

Collaborator Permissions

Owner: Can edit project and workspace settings, including managing collaborators. The owner can not be changed or deleted.
Here are the roles you can assign to people you’re inviting to your workspace or project(s):
Admin : Can edit project(s), and manage collaborators. Workspace admin can also edit workspace settings.
Editor : Can create, duplicate and edit projects, but they cannot manage collaborators. Workspace editors can view but not edit workspace settings.
Viewer: Can view projects and downloaded data, but they cannot make any changes to projects. Viewers cannot regenerate invite codes. Workspace viewers can view but not edit workspace settings.

Edit Collaborator Permissions

Only people with Owner and Admin workspace permissions can edit collaborators.

  1. Click on any of the collaborator avatars at the top of your workspace to quickly access the collaborator settings.
  2. Click Edit Permissions.
  3. Choose the new permission level and click Save

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Remove Collaborator from Workspace / Project

Removing a collaborator will remove all workspace access and permissions for the collaborator. 

Only people with Owner and Admin workspace permissions can remove collaborators.

  1. Click on any of the collaborator avatars at the top of your workspace to quickly access the collaborator settings.
  2. Select kebab-3 in the Permissions section.
  3. Select Remove.

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