This article will help you understand how your downloaded Movesense data is organized with Labfront.
- 👨🔬 For Researchers -
ECG and 9-axis IMU data are available with Labfront's Movesense integration.
In this article, we'll cover:
- How Movesense folders are organized
- How the CSV files are organized
- Additional resources to help with your data
How the Folders are Organized
Labfront creates a single ZIP file of all of your participants' data, labeled with your unique Project ID.
As you can see below, each participant has their own folder labeled with their Participant Insignia (name inputted by the researcher) and Participant ID (unique identifier).
You will also see a movesense-stream-stopwatch-event file. This file does not contain physiological data but displays when participants stopped and started the Movesense task and keeps a record of each instance.
How Movesense CSV Files are Organized
The CSV files in every folder are numbered beginning with 000000. If a file exceeds the maximum amount of rows permitted, a new CSV file will be created and numbered sequentially (Ex. 000001, 000002, etc.).
Participant Data
👀 View our documentation on Movesense data types and descriptions→
Data Documentation Resource
➕ Additional Information About Your Data
For a better understanding of your data, we suggest reading the following articles:
- Data Overview: How Data is Organized in Labfront
- To-Do, Timer and Questionnaire Data Documentation
- Understanding Timestamps in Labfront
- Data Types You Can Collect with Movesense
- Data Documentation: Movesense Data Types and Descriptions