A workspace is where you can create and organize your projects and add collaborators.
We'll cover:
- Your primary (default) workspace
- Workspace collaborators and permissions
- Workspace limitations based on your plan
- Workspace FAQs
Primary Workspace
When you sign in to your Labfront account, you will be taken to your primary workspace. This is where you can create and organize your projects. You can also add collaborators to a workspace to work together.
Workspace Permissions/Roles/Collaborators
A workspace collaborator has access to all of the basics in a workspace (at a specified permission level). Here are the roles you can assign to people you’re inviting to your workspace:
Owner: People can edit all project and workspace settings, including managing collaborators and defining workspace permissions.
Admin : People can edit project and workspace settings, and manage collaborators. They can manage billing and workspace upgrades and define workspace permissions for Editors, Viewers and other Admin but not Owners. Admin cannot change their own permission.
Editor : People can invite collaborators and create, duplicate and edit projects, but they cannot edit workspace settings or manage collaborators.
Viewer: People can only view projects and workspace settings, but they cannot make any changes. Viewers also cannot regenerate invite codes.
Workspace Limitations Based on Different Plans
The number of participants you can invite to a workspace will vary based on your workspace plan.
- Free - Up to 5 participants
- Basic - Up to 20 participants
- Advanced - Up to 20 participants
To upgrade your workspace, please contact support@labfront.com and we'll be happy to help.
Workspace FAQs
Can I upgrade my workspace online?
If you'd like to upgrade your workspace, please send an email with the subject line “Account Upgrade: your-email-here” to support@labfront.com
How can I remove myself as a collaborator?
To remove yourself as a collaborator, go to Workspace Settings > Leave Workspace.
Alternatively, click the collaborator avatar to enter Collaborator Settings > > Leave Workspace.
How can I switch between workspaces?
This article takes you through how to switch workspaces.